Fresh 48 sessions are something I LOVE to do…The first few days after birth are something {when pregnant} we all look forward to, and as any mother knows
those days come and go by so quickly like a blink of an eye. That is why I love to capture these moments, so these families can hold on to these memories and moments
for a long time after their precious baby has grown.
Little Estelle was like a little Doll, Only 29 hours old Here so very alert hehe but so calm and curious of the world she has entered.
I loved capturing her first Bath ( well done Dad ) and her first days on Earth with her beautiful family. You will also see ( last pic ) Estelle’s little cousin was born on the same
day just a few hours after her, and in the same hospital. How lucky are they to have each other <3
Welcome to the world Estelle <3