Birth is so amazing and something so magical and touching about it every time I get to witness it. Like marriage its one of the most happiest days of your life and you experience so many raw emotions of being terrified to LOVE and joy, and pure happiness so why not have that documented?
You don’t want to forget any moment ( not even the pain haha ) because really it just goes so fast and once its over and you have your sweet new baby in your hands these photos are going to mean not only so much to you, but to your baby as well…as they grow,
Imagine them showing their own children these photos as they grow? Its pure magic.
Little Harper was born in the early hours of the morning at Frankston hospital. I arrived with in only 30 minutes of meeting her, it went so fast I barely got my camera out.
Little Harper Kathleen Madigan born at 7:14am on wednesday morning 22nd of March 2017.
Weighed in at 8 pound 2 ounce and 52 cm long
So proud of you Mary and so blessed to have you both in my life. <3