I had 3 children of my own at this hospital, my twins Gabrielle + Sarah and my other daughter Ava. It brings back so many beautiful memories for me, walking down the corridor to where I would of had my own babies, if only I had beautiful photos to cherish like this to.
I know fresh 48 sessions might be a bit daunting, when you think about before hand…thinking like “why would I want photos of myself hours after giving birth”, “Ill be so sleep deprived its not something I want to remember”, “I might be to sore to move around” All these feelings I take in to consideration myself while I’m there with you as I am a mother, I have been through 4 labours myself one of those labours was with a set of twins ( naturally to I might add haha) So I know these concerns…
Trust me when I say that this moment in your life these first 48 hours are something you will NEVER want to forget, And as a mother and mothers I know all agree, those first 48 hours are such a blur, they go fast fast like a blink of an eye, and important little details will go missed…and never to be remembered. You will WANT these moments back, to look at to cherish, no matter what you might of thought before hand. And its a moment you can never recreate.